Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Ferrets galore!

Today was a very good day. We have two ferrets living at our flat (Scuzzbucket and Weaselybeast). Techically they belong to my flatmate Becky (she pays all their bills) but they are loved and played with by all in the flat. Having always been a fan of ferrets but never having been allowed one, I adore them!

Yesterday we took them to a ferret show out in East Calder. It was an amazing day. I took so many photos and cuddled so many adorable ferrets. There were so many blurred photos where they just moved too quick. I knew I wanted to use this one as soon as I saw it. Unfortunately Scuzzbucket is a bit camera shy and looked away but thankfully Becky didn't so the photo still turned out well. It even has the distance out of focus which I can't recreate for the life of me, no matter how hard I try. It was taken in nice late morning sunshine waiting for the bus while the little scamps "explored".

The day was rounded off with a nice roast dinner meal at a friend's with lovely company. On the way home we FINALLY we got some snow (but unless anything amazing happens tomorrow you'll hear all about that then).

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