Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Not your average washing up

I've decided that if I succeed at taking a photo for 365 days then I will make them in to a photo book. I've also decided that whenever possible I'm going to try and take a photo that reflects my day. Quite often it won't as I officially start my next course on Saturday and there's only so many photos of text books and rock samples that you can take but for today it does.

Part of today was spent trying to teach the ferrets to be real ferrets and introducing them to proper food as it's far better for their digestive tracts. This means trying to get them to eat rabbit instead of kibble. Weasley is starting to get the hang of it but Scuzz was more than a little bemused by the rabbit rump in their cage. In an attempt to teach them about it we played "chase the rabbit leg" and then resorted to cutting it in to bite sized chunks and feeding it as treats.

I'll let you use your imaginations as to what part the saw played in all this. I'm attempting for now to keep this vegetarian freindly so figured it was more appropriate than a rabbit leg photo.

In other news: moo had his once yearly bath but the photos came out blurred. Moo is a little stuffed cow, he'll no doubt feature in this at some point.

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