A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


Conference...day 2.

Woke up, breakfast, back to room for shower - shower never got warm....it was disappointing to say the least.

Packed, cleared out and went to the conference for the morning. It was dead. Went on freebie hunt again. Keynote speaker didn't arrive.

Home by mid afternoon, feeling distinctly crap - nose and eyes streaming with cold, losing voice (sounds quite husky, which would possibly be quite attractive, except for the red watery eyes and snotty nose that accompanies the huskiness!) and ears hurt every time I swallow.

After sorting out appointment to have tattoo done next week, came home, crashed on sofa with decent mug of tea (first since Tuesday), blanket and watched Brief Encounter then dozed off.

Fish and chips for tea. Been to Asda to buy Birthday cake to take into work tomorrow.

Now am going for hot bath and bed...with more paracetamol....one more day ...break up for half term tomorrow afternoon - have a feeling I am going to be ill in bed on my birthday....just got to get through tomorrow.

Backblipped Tuesday and Wednesday

Links to the photos of the dodgy hotel room are here

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