A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


Here he is!

The pic on the left is of the tattoo after the outlining was done, but before the in-fill of colouring. You can see the old tattoo inside the body of the salamander ...the old tattoo was done badly ...no definition to it as the ink had bled so it was a bit of a blue blob really.

Pic on the right is the finished article ...bit red as it was taken straight after Nick had finished, but its settling down now.

Wasn't too painful - interesting looking at the picture that his tail ends just by the scar from my epidural (or rather ONE of the scars, seeing as there were four attempts to get the epidural in when I had James. Let me tell you - the tattoo was less painful!)

In other news, been to see my friend Dan today. Long gossip over coffee...nice to catch up - we havent seen each other since October half term, but as always with great friends, we pick up like it was just yesterday. If you are reading this Dan - thank you for chat, see you at Easter....and maybe spain in the summer for a week???

Now off to Asda to do the shopping - late evening is good - no numpties!

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