Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Sleepy fuzzet.

Well I've failed on my 365 days of photos already. Gutted! I wasn't very well, most of the day was spent in bed. I woke up just a couple of minutes before midnight and realised I hadn't blipped but by the time I'd fumbled in the dark to try and get up and get my camera, it was too late. Maybe I'll start counting again from today or maybe I'll just resign myself to the fact that there are going to be days when I'm not well and can't blip and aim to do 365 in 375 days.

Today was mainly spent researching pretty shiny things on the internet so today's blip is of our very sleepy ferret, weasleybeast. It's very rare that he falls asleep deep enough to be cuddled without waking and getting up.

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