Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Two Views of My World

After the past several days of rain, this morning dawned with bright sun and clear skies. I stayed in this morning and did online office hours. I didn't really expect any action because the semester just started yesterday, but I did have one student come in and chat with me, so that was great. I did lots of emailing with students -- some who need code numbers to add the class and others who are concerned about getting their textbooks, and a few of my Thursday students who are ahead of the game because they jumped in and have done some of the online work even before meeting as a class. Good!

So late in the afternoon Bob dog and I went to the Post Office to mail a package and as I drove through the neighborhood I was captured by the beautiful view. I drove to several locations trying to find places to get an unobsructed view of snow-covered Mt. Baldy to our north, and the foothills to our south which include Saddleback mountain, which is actually in Orange County. I thought you might enjoy a look at that view too.

I'm hoping for no rain again tomorrow as I head back to the campus. It is cold and crisp here this evening. My voice is still scratchy and I'm sneezing a lot and I'm coughing. I was told by a doctor a couple years ago that after about three days I'm not contagious any longer. This started last Thursday, so I think I am not exposing my students, but that's hard to believe.

I'm not sure that this photo is going to load-up because blip is telling me there was no date data on it. I'm such a dummy at this stuff. I don't know what I did to cause that. So I'll wait and hope that you do get to view this too.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie, aka Carol

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