East Lothian Sunset

After saying goodbye to our wonderful hosts Mr and Mrs MT, we set off for a visit to Edinburgh Zoo. Then we drove the two or so hours home and arrived back at the farm in late afternoon.

That was the plan.

In fact the day went something like this:

9.40am Said goodbye to our wonderful hosts and set off for the zoo.

9.50am Car broke down.

10.10am Mr MT (henceforth to be known as Sir MT, our knight in shining armour) arrived to give us a hand and we followed him to the nearest Ford garage. Hair-raising journey with engine and radiator warning lights on permanently and unable to go above 30MPH, car losing power when tried to accelerate. Not good on roundabouts or at traffic lights.

11.15am Arrived at garage.

11.45am No joy with garage. They were busy and couldn't guarantee they'd be able to check the car today. Or tomorrow. Even if they could, they probably wouldn't have the parts needed. Oh, and they hadn't heard of the Ford Protect Warranty we had. This is a Ford garage, remember.

11.50am Sir MT offers us another night's hospitality in his fabulous home AND says he will give us a lift to the zoo today.

1.00pm Arrive at the zoo. Have a fabulous afternoon seeing Penguin Parade, the polar bear and having lots of lorakeets land on our heads.

4.30pm Sir MT arrives to give us a lift back.

5.30ish Arrive at our hosts' house. Another great evening ensues with lots of curry and conversation.

THANK YOU to our hosts for your kindness, calmness and general loveliness.

A year ago: Every Sheep has a Silver Lining

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