When in Scotland...

...do as the Scots do.

Grace enjoys a Tunnocks teacake.


Frustrating morning trying to sort out what to do about our car, which was then stranded, broken down in a garage in Portobello.

Most interesting part was a phone call I made to the garage we took it to yesterday:

Ring garage...
Receptionist answers phone...
I explain problem...
Put through to service department...
Guy answers phone...
I explain problem again...
He sounds very sympathetic and puts me on hold as he goes to find out the latest situation...
After a while on hold, the phone begins to ring again and I'm put through to someone else in reception...
I explain what happened...
She says that's what happens if you're on hold too long, and gives me the name of the person whose line I had been on previously...
She puts me back on hold...
A woman in the service department answers the phone...
I ask if I can speak to the guy named by the receptionist, whose line I had been on previously and who was supposedly finding out what was going on...
The woman says the man named has left the company...


You mean he left DURING my call?

Am I such an awful customer that I cause employees to leave mid-call?

OR...is the spirit of his good service left in the telephone system to give a tiny ray of hope to any customers who are having to deal with the rest of the staff there?

Eventually we ditched the idea of using that garage, who still couldn't give us a time or date when they'd be able to get the work done. In the end the garage we'd bought the car from in December took charge of the situation. We'd only bought the car in December after all. They sent a truck up from Carlisle with a hire car for us and took our car back to Carlisle to fix it. We got on our way after more goodbyes and many more thanks to our hosts.

In the past couple of days I have come to appreciate what great friends are all about. Thanks you guys.

A year ago: Reservoir Sheep (still one of my favourite blips that I've done!)

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