Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Strange happenings

Saw Mags off at the train station at 1pm then hared it up to the bus station to meet mum and my aunt! We had lunch with my sis and her bf followed by a wee bit of shopping.

Unfortunately I was much too tired, the past week of activity, esp doing such a lot yesterday has just been exhausting, I'm all shattered, overtired, aching and emotional now. So lovely as it was to see mum, I spent most of the time yawning my head off and finding places to sit! Legs not working today.
Ah well, I knew there would be a price to pay and I had a great day yesterday so C'est la vie and no regrets!

Too tired for taking pictures, but I blipped these girls in St Andrews Sq gardens. No idea what they were doing but they were enjoying it! If anyone knows please enlighten me :O)

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