If You Could See Me Now


Flo Rider - Right Round

"The only people you need in your life, are the ones that need you in theirs."

*makes heart shape with hands*

True Friendship: no matter the distance or the time you spend apart,

you always pick up from where you left off the last time you saw each other.

I had a bit on an up and down day. Everything was kind of weird because of the nor-west wind... It always makes me feel in a sort of dream state, but then the sun comes out from behind the cloud and reality hits you... Hard. But you pick yourself up from where reality threw you, and you carry on.

Enough of the weird stuff, Movies with Cassie tomorrow :) My Book "Blue Like Jazz" has arrived at the book store so i'll pick that up too!

Killing two birds with one stone! - Not really! I value Cassie's life!

Happy weekend y'all :P

Had Trouble Deciding!

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