Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Is that Kat?

I've been thinking since I started this that maybe I should do a self portrait. Trouble is, I'm not keen on photos of myself. When I told a friend I'd started a photojournal they turned to me with horror in their voice and said "but you hate photos!" No, I love photos and photography, I just hate being the subject of them, hence why I'm usually the one with the camera.

It does mean that I'm probably the kindest person who could ever take your picture. Most of our friends will put them up online with no regard to whether you'll actually like the photo or not. I never put up photos I think people won't like and I take them down immediately if they say they hate them. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and all that nonesense.

Was bored on the train home from Sheffield so had a play. Happened to be pulling through a small station when I took this one. I quite like it.

Enjoy it, it's probably the last of me you'll see on here.

Mikey: I know, a photo of myself that I didn't veto. I'm as shocked as you are.

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