If You Could See Me Now



Sunset - I had to rush home after making sure Cass got home alright. I ran in the door, scooped up Jasper, ran outside, up the gate and onto the roof of our shed to get this :)


I liked the whole balloon-in-the-gutter-mixed-with-broken-glass-they-must-have-had-a-wild-party blip better!

Monday tomorrow, and the end of daylight savings has my internal clock all stuffed up, at least now I probably won't sleep in - thank God!

The second season of Gossip Girl started on TV 2 this afternoon - it was by pure chance I even discovered it! I spazzed out :)

I really love GG!!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

P.S. Last week - well 4 days - of school before the holidays!!!!

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