
By sleepyduck

Blip me!

What is it about a hat or a glove on a railing? They scream blip me! but I'm damned if I know why. Is there anything inherently interesting about them? Well, maybe they are symbols of people who used to be there... maybe they ask questions about how and why they have been abandoned... But, really, I can't find anything particularly interesting about a hat or a glove on a railing. I don't recall any Cartier-Bresson photographs of them... or any by Ansel Adams...

I think it's the result of a conspiracy by the editors of mediocre photo magazines to instil the subliminal message that these are good things to take photographs of. I must have seen hundreds of photographs like this. Whenever I see a hat or a glove on a railing, I have the irresistible urge... I must take a photograph. And usually I quite like the result. Though I can't rightly say why. So it is that today's blip is a photographic cliché.


Raeburn Place

Raeburn Place again

Self-portrait (of sorts)

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