Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Homeless and helpless

This chap is another familiar Lothian Rd character.
I used to see him selling 'The Big Issue' in front of the Filmhouse a lot, or hanging about outside the Social work centre nearby. He was always very cheery and friendly but he seems to be having a bit of a bad time of it just now.

Today he was drinking Special Brew (its in his hand here but obscured by his leg) and trying not to fall over, while slurring at anyone who walked by that he needed money for a B&B and that today was so bad that he felt like he might commit suicide.

You can't help but feel really bad for someone in this kind of state, but also a bit helpless, theres not really anything you can do for him other than ask him if there isn't a shelter he could go to or hand over a couple of quid - and I didn't even have any change on me today. I'm not even sure if giving money would help him get somewhere to sleep - possibly its more likely to be spent on more fags and booze. But perhaps if I was in his position I'd want a drink too. Its a horrible downward spiral really isn't it?

When I got on the bus it looked like someone who knew him had stopped to help him out and have a chat though, so fingers crossed that tomorrow is a better day.

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