Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Look What We Found: A Magnolia Flower

Magnolia (disambiguation)

Honestly before diving head-first into this world of blip, back in January, I glanced at flowers, but never like I am doing now. I would have never thought that I'd be walking through the neighborhood with Bob dog carrying my cheapie point-and-shoot camera stealing pictures of the neighbors flowers. I used to look at flowers in the grocery store and occasionally bring home a bouquet.

So today about noon, I took Bob dog for a walk around the block. I clicked some pretty little lavendar flowers, but the sun was a bit too bright. Then as we were about to round the corner toward home, I spotted the blooming Magnolia tree. I don't think I have seen any yet this year. Well, the tree, even though it is small, was a bit too tall for me, so I got up on my tippy-toes, extended my arm as far as possible, and clicked. I did that three times, when I just felt so ridiculous and also thought maybe, just maybe, I had captured something I could use here today. So we continued walking home.

I've made myself grade papers and NOT turn on my laptop all day until right now (5:00 p.m.). I am doing a marathon paper-grading weekend. We are at that point in the semester where one project immediately follows another. I have 7 more in-class essays to grade and then next is their newest project--my students responded to a Time magazine article by writing an agree or disagree thesis statement and the three subpoints to support it. So this will be much less reading than a full essay. Then a number of them will submit revisions this next week. The semester is about over (can you tell I'm anxious).

So this is the first lookey-lou on the computer screen at what my camera caught. This photo is certainly not professional, but I thought it was good enough. Can you imagine the surprise of that honey bee when it looked up and saw that camera.

So the Magnolia was the bright spot of this day (and a couple of A+ essays that I've read). This particular flower is quite a bit different, much larger, than the ones that some of the Pacific Northwest blippers were displaying the past month of so. I think these would make beautiful wedding flowers.

Enough for today. I'll look for you tomorrow.
Rosie, aka Carol

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