Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

A Grinding Day

Late yesterday afternoon a pump was inserted into our pool and overnight all the water was drained. Today the workers arrived early, about 7:30 a.m. and before long the work of grinding and the accompanying noise surrounded this residence. All surface plaster and tiles are being removed.

When we purchased this house, the pool was already here. I mentioned in this past Saturday's blip, that we would have never had a pool built in our yard. Mr. Fun would not have voted for one. He has often referred to the pool as the hole in the ground where we throw our money, and there is some truth in his words because it does need plenty of chemicals and maintenance. He has mildly threatened numerous times to fill the thing with dirt. That is when I cast my "no" vote.

One blipper commented Saturday that pools are expensive because of all the people who drop in to swim and be entertained and fed. In Southern California lots of people have pools so thankfully that has never been a problem.

Probably when we purchased this house, the pool needed to be resurfaced. I guess we have a great ability to "make-do." Well, with the current recession, the original pool builder (which is one of the best in this local region) has resorted to restoring pools because they are not being commissioned to build many. So when we heard they were in the restoring business, we were interested. It's a family business with a quality reputation and lengthy history. We are finding that doing business with them is quite pleasant, just very noisy!

So that's our blip for today, complete with words -- certainly not as nice to look at as yesterday's view or Monday's stroll through the Mission Inn. Watch for the next exciting pool episode.

Good Night,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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