Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

A day of Goodbyes

Today I said goodbye to my goodfriend Hannah. She's off to New Zealand for two years on a "working holiday". Still can't quite believe she's gone and that she'll be away for so long. I've tried to pursuade her to sign up to blip, but only time will tell whether she will.

It was also my flatmate Becky's leaving drinks this evening. She's headed off on Tuesday to work at an American summer camp. Thankfully though we get her back in three months, hopefully not too effected by America. We will miss her lots and the flat won't quite be the same without her. However this means that the boy and I become surrogate parents to the crazy little bundles of mischevious joy (AKA Scuzzbucket and Weasleybeast)

So to celebrate the fact she's leaving we headed out to Pizza Express (did you know you can get a pizza with the centre taken out and salad put in its place? How brilliant an idea is that?) followed shortly after by many many pottails (they're like cocktails but they're served in tea pots with cute little cups) at the Roseleaf.

This photo is of my friend Jo. They gave cocktail umbrellas with each little cup and well, if you're going to be rude enough to wear your hat inside, you deserve to pay the price.

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