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By mly

Strokkur erupts

This is early in the morning, before anyone else was up. For some reason it was a nerve-wrecking experience waiting for the eruption all alone - partly because I had placed myself at where the wind was blowing and so knew that I'd get wet if I stayed for too long after, and partly it was the feeling of waiting for something you can't control - just like when you KNOW something's gonna happen in a horror movie, and so end up even more scared once it does :P Kinda silly really, but that's how it felt! :)

Strokkur erupts to a maximum height of about 20 meters every eight minutes or so. The original geyser, Geysir, stopped erupting altogether in 1935, but started again infrequently in 2000 after an earthquake. During our stay in the Geysir area we actually saw a Geysir eruption - 60 meters high, it's quite the sight!

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