Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Its fizzy, its ginger, its phenomenal!

Choosing my blip photograph was really hard today because there were so many I could have used. (expect lots to be added to Flickr in the next couple of days!)
But I rather liked the 'scottishness' of this abandoned bottle of Irn Bru with the panorama of Loch Morloch and the Cairngorms in the background :o)

I think it may be what also prompted us to stop for chips and cans of irn bru in Aviemore on the way home....

Mags and I have had a really great day, we were well prepared and stopped at M&S for lots of yummy food, then drove down to Rothiemurcus and had a picnic by Loch an Eilean*.
It was lovely and sunny, but not overpoweringly hot like its been over the past few days, just perfect weather with a nice light breeze. Really quiet and peaceful too, we felt a bit like we had the whole place to ourselves :o)

After we'd had our sushi and a bit of a paddle we had a leisurely walk right around the Loch. Stopping every now and again to dip our feet in and take lots of pictures.

Its actually much longer than you think its going to be because you can't see the whole loch from the starting point - and once you get half way round and realise, its too late to turn back! LOL, I think if I'd realised how far it was at the start I'd have been too daunted to begin, but it was a beautiful walk and I really enjoyed it even if I have to pay for it all next week :o)

We'd worked up an appetite by the time we'd finished so we took the remains of our chocolate cake (M&S Chocolate Mousse Cake! mmmmmmmmm!) and kettle chips to Loch Morloch for a second picnic :o)
We had a nice quiet spot (further along its all camping and watersports and busy-ness but where we were you'd never have known!) with some very inquisitive ducks, and the most amazing view.

Just a really good day!
(and I managed to tell my favourite joke twice! It never gets old.)

*called Loch an Eilean because it has a little island. On the island is the ruins of the 'Wolf of Badenoch' Castle.

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