Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Woooo! New Camera Day!

After yesterday's fiasco I am now the proud owner of a lovely new camera. It turned out that the van driver just couldn't be bothered to walk up the stairs to even attempt to deliver it, but because he'd had to stick the barcode to the "you were out" slip, it had been recorded as being delivered. The very cheery postman apologised for the slip not having arrived yesterday but I still think I'll be making a formal complaint about the van driver as this is a regular occurence that the postie will have to drop off the slip the next day.

Anyhow, I've been having lots of fun playing with my new toy, slightly sad that I'll be away when my shiny filters and lenses arrive for it but hey ho, I'll have a big pile of parcels to open on my return.

Weasley's still very dozey from the aneasthetic so I've enjoyed a lot of cuddle time, lying on the floor with him curled up on my chest. He's so cute when he's sleepy. On the downside, feeding a ferret bad tasting antibiotic drops is a very hard task. I'm currently having to feed it throughout the day in little doses mixed in to his mince.

Hopefully by the end of the month I'll actually have time to get back in to the swing of keeping up with other people's journals and commenting etc. It's been a really hectic month!

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