Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

The focus of my attention.

I figured as this little guy has been the main focus of my attention this week I should probably blip him.

It was back to Livingston AGAIN this morning for another check up with the vet. 5th visit since the sniffles started. Still sounding damp after yesterday so he had another shot of anti-inflammitory drugs and more antibiotics, he really didn't like it this time. As if yesterday wasn't bad enough, we've been sent home with four more of these.

I have to go away for a week tomorrow on a university course so I'll be doing his Saturday shot and then handing him over to the very capable hands of The Boy (with help from flatmate) to jab him, love him and take him to his check up on Wednesday where hopefully he'll have had a great improvement. I have no choice but to leave him but the timing totally sucks!

On the plus side, our box of bunny arrived today and so he's been happily munching whole minced rabbit which will give him a far better blend of nutrients than the mince he's been on and he's manaed to eat some of the kibble as well.

In other news: I had lots of parcels today. My filters and lenses for my new toy arrived in the post, all I need now is my spare battery. I also got my tilt table and ENT appointments through from the hospital. Yay!

I'm exhausted. When do I get a rest?

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