Park it like you stole it

This was given to me by a friend at work on Friday after I commented that someone (not a member of staff at our school) had parked their car in one of our parking spaces, and that despite the car being a Mini, they had managed to park diagonally in the spot, with her rear passenger side wheel encroaching into the spot next to them and the rear bumper was almost touching the car next to it. I commented that they had "parked like they stole it" (We know who the perpetrator is!).

The Perp, on the previous day, had chosen to park in 1 of the 2 disabled parking spots that we have at the front of school, in preference to driving to the rear of the car park (from whence they would have to walk) or on the road immediately in front of school (and within shorter walking distance). The perp is not disabled - they just have an inability to walk any great distances (laziness or high heels ...dunno). One of the other senior colleagues was incensed by the inappropriate use of the disabled spot - but was in the middle of doing "lates" duty, and thus did not have the opportunity to challenge this person (although he would have done - not one to shy away from dealing with situations like this).

The same person, last year, when half of our school car park was turned into a building site, to construct the building which they now run, was insistent that when the building was occupied, that a number of the school parking spaces should be allocated to them. This fell on stony ground, as our staff had been parking on the road outside of school for 5 months AND no-one in our school has allocated parking, not even the boss. This person was told to take a hike!

I wouldn't dare put this on their car - no sense of humour and relationships can be a bit fraught with them - but oh how I would love to see their face if we did.

Off to continue preparations for holiday - ripping CDs onto iPod, choosing books, finding passports (only a slight panic when I couldn't find mine before - I had put it somewhere really safe and then forgotten where). 8 days and bring on the sunshine :-)

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