Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

RAF Rescue


Today has been possibly one of the most traumatic yet memorable, amazing days of my life. I've eluded in some past posts to the fact I have a slight problem with consciousness. Today, whilst out examining some fantastic sedimentary sequences, I had a consciousness related fall on the rocks. After taking a few small fits and having landed quite hard on rocks, it was decided they should call for help.

The coast guard was called and soon there were paramedics on the scene. I only have vague memories but the fact we were down a very steep cliff meant they had to call these guys in to air lift me to hospital. Apparently it only took a minute of people questioning whether it would be unethical to take photos before deiciding that no, it's what I would have wanted. They gave me some fantastic drugs, splinted me up, strapped me in the stretcher and winched me up. The only people missing were the offshore lifeboat, which aparently they nearly sent out as well.

Very surreal, but despite the pain and disorientation it was still an amazing experience.

You'll be pleased to hear that nothing is broken, just some severe bruising and soft tissue damage. My few memories of the hospital were traumatic but after a number of hours I was in a well enough state to tell them very politely what I thought of their idea of keeping me in over night in case I got concussion. I've had these for 5 years now, I've hit my head far harder (I was wearing a hard hat) and don't then have anyone observe me for 24 hours after.

Now I wonder how I go about contacting the RAF to thank them.

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