Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Monumental day - boring picture.

Today has been one of the best days I've had in a long time and we've not even reached 2pm yet.

As I mentioned on Wednesday, I've had problems with dizzy spells, faints and seizures for about 5 years now. Today they finally gave me a tilt table test to check my blood pressure wasn't a problem.

They strapped me to a table, got me comfortable, took my bp and then tilted the table until I was stood upright. The plan was that they would then take my blood pressure every 5 minutes for an hour to see if it dropped at all.

About 10 to 15 minutes in to the test I started to feel a bit odd. They came and took my bp and before I had chance to say that I felt really dizzy, hot and sick they were tipping my feet above my head to stop me passing out. My blood pressure had suddenly crashed through the floor, taking my heart rate with it. They'd got their result and I didn't have to continue the test.

So yeah, I aparently have low blood pressure and a problem with it suddenly crashing. Whilst I'm not holding my breath that my seizures are related to this, at least I might feel a bit better inbetween them if I'm not getting dizzy and faint so much. Now I just need to wait a few weeks for an appointment to discuss how to control it.

Yay! Happy Kat!

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