
By LuvU2

RIP Dear Trees!

Please look at my two backblips for Tuesday and Wednesday. they are so nice, I loved them só, but I couldn't blip because of a computer problem!

This is all that's left of the two trees we had in our garden! They were so messy, losing leaves is okay but the berries are really and truly a mess! C and R snr decided to remove them both ......... the good news though: They are being replaced by two lovely trees, already quite big and fast growing! I will blip them some time!

My heart bleeds for the hundreds of birds that visited us daily for breakfast/lunch/supper and snacks, but they will have a replacement restaurant soonest! We hope to offer them even more than before, because we have a few species in mind that couldn't get what they preferred on our menu up to now and hope to cater for them in future as well!! ;-)

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