Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


I like to think I try my best when it comes to doing my bit for the environment. For as long as I can remember I've always had concerns over what we're doing to our planet. I try not to waste things when I can. I turn things off and I put on jumpers. I even painstakingly, wash, sort and package my flats recycling and cart it to the local banks.

Don't know why I'm bothering at the minute. With Edinburgh council bin men on a go slow or whatever it is they're doing, the banks are full, people are just dumping bags beside them and the vandals are at work. I know they are probably over worked and under paid but it's a real nuisance, there's a rise in rats and I'm only glad the weather hasn't been so hot or some of the rubbish bins would be really reeking.

In other news:

Some of you may remember my first attempts at making falafel. Today I failed in a completely new way. After pre-soaking the chickpeas over night I put the pan on the stove to come up to an initial boil. I only sat down at the computer for a couple of minutes (well that was the plan anyway) and next thing I knew the pan had boiled dry and this was the result.

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