a grand day out

apart from the rain, anyway. i hadn't seen L for a year, and before that not since graduation (ten years ago, *gulp*) - we've been trying since last summer to get together, tho work and stuff and wotnot always got in the way. finally she got to the summer hols (she's a teacher these days) and i found a day off that didn't need to be filled with being elsewhere and doing other things. a trip to the seaside was mooted, then she mentioned linlithgow and the choice was made. i go thru it every saturday on the train to work in glasgow, and every saturday i look at the spire of the church on the hill and think 'i want to know more about that'. so off to linlithgow it was.

first up, the palace. L is with me on the idea of liking a good ruin as you can imagine what went on, so we just had a good wander around, admiring the view of the loch and the fireplaces and generally soaking up the atmosphere (and the drizzle: one disadvantage of no roof!). the view from the top was impressive so a sunny day and i bet it's fab; due to the abundance of weather we skipped the walk round the outside and along the loch - another time.

then we nipped into st michael's church on the way back into town. the website doesn't tell you, but a handy leaflet does, that the spire - pictured above, thru a window in the palace - was created in the mid-1960s, which explained quite a lot to me. also, it was designed by a chap who created a piece for coventry cathedral, which, having been, also explains a lot to me. (anyone read william golding's 'the spire'? i always think of that in churches...) there is also some wonderful stained glass here, very beautiful on a grey day so i imagine stunning on a sunny one. the churchyard looks fascinating too, but not in the pouring rain!

finally, a spot of luncheon in a random deli-cum-cafe then back home. i say this always, but we really should get back together a bit sooner the next time, L!


a spot of backblippery from about here if you're interested, btw...

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