electric glass

By electricglass


I have never seen one in real life. Only photos, video, cartoons.

But they are one of my favorite animals. I don't know why.

I had heard a few friends mention they had seen some in the mountains near Salt Lake.

I was really hoping to see one today on my hike.

Coming down from the top on Mt. Aire I came around a bend and WOAH MOOSE! There was a moose on the trail. We just looked at each other for a bit. I took a couple photos and this was the best with a bit of editing to exposure and shadow to brighten the photo up. He was in the shade and I was not about to use the flash.

I got past him as quick as possible and he went back to drinking from a little bit of run-off that was part of the trail.
Thanks for checking out my blip! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Oh and I did put up a few more photos from my hike up on flickr.

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