
By DaveH

O Neg

Today did not go quite as planned. First thing, up to the allotment, chatted with Wullie next door. Gave him courgettes and got a neep in return. Result!

Next down to the store with a backpack full of courgettes, lettuce and french beans. Fine.

Got the makings of stoofvlees (having remembered to defrost the meat last night) including cans of Stella to put in the stew. Excellent!

Stuffed shopping in backpack and headed off to the Blood Transfusion people to give a pint of blood. Nae bother, plenty of time.

Felt a strange cold, wet sensation down my back. Not good. One of the cans had burst, soaking my rucksack and my trousers. AAArgh! (Luckily, camera was in a side pocket.

Went home to shower, wash clothes and rucksack; then made it to the Blood Transfusion in time. Had a rubbish cup of grey tea and a Tunnocks teacake.

Home and mucked about with GIMP to produce the above.
Don't usually do selective-colour stuff, but I thought I'd give it a go. Now for some liquid (down my neck, not my back this time) and start cooking.

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