Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Tilly meets Douglas Coupland!

Tilly thoroughly enjoyed hearing Douglas Coupland talk at the book festival this evening and when he finished she practically sprinted out of there to get into the queue and have her book signed before everyone else! (she seemed to know just the right place to sit for a cat who claims never to have been there before...which is just as well or we'd still be there now from the look of the queue!)

As this is Tilly's last day of festival-ness she reckons its a pretty spectacular way to go out! :D
I think this just might be her favourite photograph.

As for me, I'm still shaking! I'm quite amazed I even managed to do this. I'm not sure if it was brave or offensive or just insanely stupid!

I just met one of my most favourite authors and instead of saying "How lovely to meet you" or something witty and erudite about his work, or perhaps something intelligent and thoughtful, or even just mumbling "I really like your books...." I asked if I could take a photograph of him with what looks like my dead cat!
What was I thinking???!!!
*claps hand to forehead*

Anyway.... *deep breaths*

I've really enjoyed being Tilly's personal photographer at the festival, even though I've been really worried each time we go out that I'm a bit too exposed and a fellow blipper will spot us and blip me blipping Tils!
Thank God that doesn't seem to have happened. Fingers crossed.
Please don't blip me!!
Tilly has had the most brilliant time over the last couple of weeks and would really like to thank everyone who has left lovely comments about her exploits very much indeed! Its been most heartwarming and a lot of fun for both of us :O)
Now its time for a wee rest!

A whole two weeks of Tilly :
If you have missed any of Tilly's festival adventures and would like to see them this is Day One.
Simply move forward from there - altogether there have now been fifteen days, including today.

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