
By LuvU2

Surprise from Sweden!

C&R went to the Post Office this morning, to check the mailbox. C started sorting the mail, while R snr drove over to the Supermarket for bread and milk! She noticed a Notification for a parcel to be collected and thought it was more study material for R jnr! They turned back to fetch it, but the parcel looked different!!

Guess what? A surprise parcel from Sweden, with all sorts of nice little prezzies for all four of us, as well as for Lillian! My, oh my, what a lovely treat M&Z!! Highly appreciated and treasured! We love you!!

One of the rare occasions when I blip a sunset! They just never seem to be too great when I shoot them! This was quite beautiful, methinks, couldn't resist! ;-) I like the light in the palm leaves, makes them look like they are on fire!

Please pardon the lightning protectors reaching to the sky, there are só many of them in the estate next to ours, the owners are only allowed to build thatched roofed houses there and the protectors are compulsory, according to SA Building Regulations!! The name of the estate is 'Thatchhaven'.

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