
By beckie

wigwam fun

After school, Tyler cleared the living room and set up his Hornby track to test out the new Trains his Grandma and Grandad had got for him for his birthday yesterday, as usual, there was commentary and lego creations involved in the adventure.
He sat in the middle of the track with it going round and round while he ate his tea!

After he'd put all the trains away for the night, we sat in this wigwam (Made by my sisters other half for his birthday!) and he read me a book by torch light before he went up to bed.

Being 8 is so much fun!! He went to school with a foam dinosaur head mask on today (yet another present from My sister! lol!)

P.S My Dads 300th Blip today! 300 whole days without a break!! WELL DONE DAD!!!

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