My Eyes

Today is my 200th blip. We started blipping when I was seven months old, and now I am fourteen months old, so that is half of my life! When I was born my eyes were blue, but they have changed over the months and Mum thinks that they sometimes change even as you look at them. They are most often grey, as they appear in this picture, but sometimes they look brown. Obviously I am a bit young to know about genetics, but Dad has bluey-green eyes and Mum has dark brown eyes, so I have inherited a recessive gene from Mum. Mum thinks all the genes I have inherited from her in relation to looks are recessive, because I don't look like her but do look a bit like my Papa (although the distinctive shape of my eyes is the same as Mum's). When I was very little, I was the spitting image of my Dad. I don't look so much like him now, but still look more like him than anyone else. I am my own little person!

Over the weekend Mum and Dad noticed that I was choosing to walk more. I am still a bit wobbly, but am perfecting the technique. I can now change direction and get up once I have fallen down. My language skills are developing as well. I now say Gran (or Gan) and Papa, and have expanded my repetoire to say "hiya Mum and Dad". When I want to play round and round the garden, I hold out my hand and trace a circle on it while saying something that sounds like "round." When I am asked to point something out, like where Upsy Daisy is on the page of my book, I point to the picture and say "there". I also do this with parts of my body, like my head, toes, mouth and nose. When I am referring to me, I point to myself and say "da-da".

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