A time for everything

By turnx3

"Hey, save some for us!"

A gorgeous, picture-perfect day in southern Ohio today. Roger left early with Jen to take her to the airport. Sad to see her go, but we'll be seeing them both - her and Jason - at Christmas, and that's not too far away! I was at Bible study this morning, but I didnt join the other ladies for lunch, since I'd done so much eating at the weekend! Time for a diet now! Class this afternoon, followed by a beautiful walk at Sharon Woods. The park was busy this afternoon, everyone making the most of the beautiful weather. I noticed four or five other people with cameras, then there were dog walkers, regular walkers and a number of joggers. These ducks were in a hurry to swim over to a couple who had some bread to share!

Best viewed in large.

I have back-blipped the weekend.

One year ago I was in Sharon Woods too! - Sunday afternoon in the Park

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