
Today we visited Mdina. This is a walled town with only 2 real entrances into the town. The streets are extremely narrow and in most parts cars cannot get anywhere.

What this town lacks in cars it makes up for in tour groups. The streets were packed with all nationalities being lead rounds and shown all parts to this town.
As we were not with any group we were able to break free from this throng of people and see all the narrower cross streets - this town is gorgeous, with few modern additions to the streets being added over the years.

After my slight rant at Maltese bus drivers. I think I can now confirm that Maltese drivers in general are all mental. Roundabouts are probably the pinnacle of the mentality with people screaming out from junctions on to road without batting an eyelid.
Overtaking, undertaking and general lack of attention to speed limits is also rife. I have lost count of the times this has happened on our journey here!

Car maintenance is also seen in this blip.

Our little jalopy could also do with some work - mainly a new clutch would be nice! - I bet when I get home and drive my own car I am going to stall him immediately in the car park.

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