Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

As I was getting ready this morning to start my day, meet the world, head for school, spend time with students--I did what I always do. I grabbed Grammie Teele's oval mirror to see the back of my hair, to make sure it was presentable. As I stood there looking I realized all the angles I was seeing, but mostly the oval of Grammie's mirror.

Years ago the mirror's long handle busted off while inside my packed suitcase on a journey with me to somewhere. I was momentarily devastated and then decided I would use it without a handle. I've been looking into that oval mirror since I was a little girl spending days and nights at Grammie's home.

I always felt pretty sitting at Grammie's three mirrored vanity with all the hair brushes, dainty cologne bottles, combs, earrings, broaches, and bracelets and the green oval hand-held mirror. I was anything but pretty with buck-teeth, a pony-tail, cut-off Levi's cuffed above the knee. Grammie had silks and yarns, and hats, gloves, and gowns and shoes I loved to walk in.

This morning looking into that oval mirror--Grammie Teele's mirror--allowed me to see through the years to a time when make believe was real. As I looked, I thought maybe if I stood still enough, you and I both could see to that place of make believe.

On this Thursday evening, I'm so thankful for Grammie Teele. I can still hear her speaking my name in a combination of Illinois, Washington, and California accent -- "Care-lan" was her unique version of Carol Anne.

So there you have it.
I'm looking into the looking glass in Southern California.
Good night.
Rosie/Care-lan (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. After taking two shots, I realized that this dressing room had clothes hanging from the top of the closet door and looked a bit disheavaled with me standing there in my slippery, satin shirt that I wear every morning so I don't get hair all over me when I brush mine. I stopped clicking to clear the mess, but this shot provided the best view of Grammie's oval mirror. So Blip family, welcome to my messy room.

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