
By CritterCrazy

Sassy's Day Out

This morning I decided to let Sassy have free run of the porch cause Friday's are our short day , then I would open the screen door to the yard and see what happens. I was getting ready for work when I heard a commotion coming from the kitchen. There sits Shadow in the window sill ( everything in the window sill now in the sink) really interested in something outside,. At first I thought it might be a squirrel coming to visit Sassy but no it was Sassy. She either made or found a hole in the screen and there she was on the window ledge lookin in. Now I have to grab my camera for this is a definite blip opp. Here are some of my other shots.

In this one you will notice that she has dirt on her little body. If I would have had time I probably would have brushed her off.

When I got home she was on top of her cage taking a little nap and I think she was just as happy to see me as I was her. I did however have to rescue ( with ladder) her from the roof. She got up there and couldn't figure out how to get down and was in a panic. Now she is tucked away in her bed , sound asleep from her busy day.

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