Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


I had this nice idea of making my own Christmas cards this year, with a festive picture of the pups. I envisaged them in front of the roaring fire, sat side by side, looking straight at the camera. Ha! Not a chance. Charley was having none of it and Alf wouldn't sit in front of the fire (even though he is always there at any other time!).

Really aching tonight. We have finally come to the top of the list for an allotment in our village. Officially it's not signed over to us until April but they have agreed to let us get on there early so we can dig it over. We were both relieved when it started lashing down after about an hour of digging and we had to down tools and go in for a cuppa! We've hardly made a dent in the weeds. Humph!

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