Operation Christmas Child
Late this afternoon I have had the delight of packing these 4 boxes with trinkets and goodies for 4 children somewhere, who I'll never meet. I folded tissue paper to add a soft touch, and then arranged the items. While packing, I blinked back tears. I love giving. I told Mr. Fun that if I had the time, I'd fill 100 of these little shoe-size gift boxes.
For the past 16 years Billy Graham's son, Franklin, who heads Samaritan's Purse has been organizing Operation Christmas Child. In the next week millions of these boxes will be collected and gathered at the SP headquarters in North Carolina and then shipped overseas for delivery at Christmas time to underprivileged children in over 100 countries around the globe.
So this afternoon Mr. Fun & I had a great time shopping for the goodies to fill the boxes. Little toys, stuffed animal finger puppets, stickers, personal packets of Kleenex, a packaged child's toothbrush & paste, and school supplies--tablets, gel pens, stickers and colored pencils. I should have put so much more in them.
As I packed them, and Mr. Fun helped by folding the flat cardboard into boxes, we both discussed by comparing & contrasting the difference of where we live versus the youngsters who will receive these small gifts. Our gift seems so meager. We've been given so much in our lifetime -- we could never give enough to equal what has been given to us.
Tomorrow we'll take these gift boxes to church for drop-off. I hope our little gift of 4 boxes to this important program does more than we can even imagine.
I thought you might enjoy seeing these wonderfully colorful Christmas gift boxes. Hope you've had a great weekend so far.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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