Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Autumn Thoughts

There are no clouds in the sky today. The autumn wind is high and the view in every direction extends for miles.

I met Mr. Fun in the autumn of my 9th grade year when he gave my girlfriend and me a ride home from a party.

One year later our lives brushed each other's again in the season of falling leaves, Indian corn, pumpkins, and gourds. I was in charge of the construction of the sophomore class homecoming float, which was being built in the neighborhood where he lived. So there he was again -- walking through a page of my life.

So for the two of us autumn is more than a season. The beginning of our forever was conceived as the leaves turned burgundy and fields of swelling pumpkins waited for harvest. Autumn is the reminder of the first time we met.

Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the U.S., celebrated the 4th Thursday of November. For us, and for many others, it is so much more than one day of celebrating and feasting; it is an attitude that decorates our lives and the acknowledgement that our lives have been blessed enormously--above and beyond anything we could have ever imagined. Some, including us, would say that's an Ephesians 3:20.

Just feeling grateful and giving thanks during this
late afternoon in Southern California.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Those gift boxes from yesterday -- 48 of those were brought to our church this morning--and we're a teeny weeny little church--another $85 was donated to package more. Wow!

P.P.S. Today's photo is a shot of some of the harvest decorations at church.

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