Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The 17th is a Very Good Day!

That statement written on every month of a big full-page calendar years ago opened the door to loving the 17th and celebrating it every month because I was born on the 17th of November! Today is the best of the 17s!

My day started early with a dozen red roses and a bottle of champagne from Mr. Fun, a big box of wonderful little packages from my older sister, and a special text-message from our daughter, and then text-messages from my grandkids throughout the day and a FaceBook note from Desiree in Oklahoma (just tickles me).

I almost never go to work on my birthday, but I just had too much to accomplish in the classroom today not to go. Then I skipped an afternoon meeting and it is now 3:30 and we are about to head out to an evening of celebrating life -- and it certainly is worth celebrating. Even the worst day is better than no day, right?! And today has been a great day and is getting better as I type.

I wrote yesterday that I am a bit stunned by the age-factor, but then this morning when I stepped on the scale, I've dropped below a number that ends in a zero, so that was thrilling. (Some of you have been following the dieting since mid-July--so you understand this comment.) So that was my birthday gift to me.

I really wanted to wait to post this later, but I honestly don't know when we'll be back home. Most likely late, so I'll blip now and will tell about it tomorrow--or maybe put in a quick note later.

Thank YOU to everyone who has already sent me birthday wishes.
You are all fabulous!

From Birthday Land in Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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