Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

From My Big Sis

The past few days my sister (who I blipped yesterday) has been disappointed that the birthday gift she got me had not arrived, but she told me it was coming to my mailbox by way of U.S. Postal System's Priority Mail. She wouldn't tell me what it was, but said it was for me and for Mr. Fun. Said it wouldn't harm our dieting, and that it would last for a lifetime.

So today we opened an envelope with an official "Certificate of Registry" that a star located at RA 107.97154533 and Declination -30.98666114 is named in honor of Rosie and Mr. Fun and it was dedicated on my birthday November 17. So how's that for wild and crazy!

So I told my sis, "THANK YOU! We've never had our very own star. And don't you think someone born in Hollywood ought to have her own star! This has been a really cool birthday. Considerably better than I thought a few days prior to it when I wasn't feeling too hot about getting older."

I feel thoroughly "birthday-ed," "honored," and "loved!" Wow!

We've spent a portion of the day watching the July 2009 Paul McCartney "Live in New York City" concert DVD that Mr. Fun gifted me with. If you like McCartney, and we do -- it is fabulous. He's added immeasurably to the sound-track of our lives.

This has certainly been one fan-tab-u-lous birthday. My Blip family has added immensely to this celebration. Thank YOU so very much. I hope that Joe knows -- someone tell him -- how significant this place is. He wins an award from us everyday.

Okay, it's time for me to wander through Blip. I've missed commenting on your pages, but I didn't want to leave cake crumbs on your photos ;-)

From Southern California, GOOD Night to everyone!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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