Bitter River

By shaun22

1234 1234

by Catch 22

step 1: growl at whichever painter bumped ugly burlap-ish wall, and tape off the edges (yes that little white area near the edge is the sole reason this wall needed painted-- once bumped, its hard to remove)
step 2: prime it
step 3: paint it
step 4: remove tape and move furniture back.

one of these walls takes a painter (that knows what theyre doing) about 4 hours, and 5 gallons of paint, going at a regular working pace. you can only get roughly the circumfrence of the roller cover's worth of paint on these walls before you have to get more, it sucks it right up.
i had to make this wall last a 10 hour day, without getting caught doing nothing.
the new boss' boss doesnt know how to schedule the camps, so we're stuck in certain areas for extended periods of time with little to no work to do.

tomorrow (assuming i remember) i'll attempt the blip assignment.

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