
By mrsanf

A very sad day..

Today I was going to leave all this behind

Today I was driving up to Manchester to spend a couple of days with my mum and sisters, to remember my dad who died 3 years ago on 9th December

Today went wrong....and started with a telphone call at 11pm last night - never a good sign

My baby sister (I know she's all grown up but she will always be my baby sister) found her partner collapsed and dead during the early evening....
My mum was with my sister and her youngest grand daughter who will be 4 on christmas eve....
Could I let the family know.....

He was a fit and healthy guy, he spent the day looking after his daughter, keeping the house running, cooking and shopping and enjoying life.

I'm devasted
I'm heart broken
I'm in shock
I'm very tired
I've cried, I've talked to my sister,
I'm too far away to go hug her which is what I'm aching to do

In a way I'm thankful that there has been lots of packing and sorting to do, we finally exchanged contracts today, the removal firm is coming at 8am, we should get keys mid to late morning and this time tomorrow..... well who knows

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