Christian Pedersen

By ChrisP

Electric Car

The department head is running an electric car program (teamed up with qinetic), but he had to shoot off this weekend so I filled his shoes. This is what the guys have put together from the kit, but the end result will probably look very different. There's some standards all the cars have to meet, but you're free to play around quite a bit. The plan is to develop the most efficient electric car, the one that goes the longest distance in a race next summer.

We were all pretty tired on Saturday morning. I had been out to a pretty massive staff night. The guy from qinetic had also been to a pretty big party. I'm not sure what the kids excuse was. Who knows? Maybe while all the parents were out partying they threw their own.

This is a shot I took on my (new) Yashica Mat 124G with TriX and developed myself. I meant to upload it yesterday, but I forgot how slow uploading photos can be here and the file was like 30MB.

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