Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Moist Kitty...

Got back from Sortford yesterday evening and just completely collapsed with take out and rubbish TV. Will backBlip later (also found out when I got home that my laptop charger is knackered and since my desktop's SD card reader is rubbidh, it might take a while. I'm Blipping now from Acronymphomania's tiny wee netbook which is driving me mad. So today's description might be short. :)

Today's Bad Idea 1: Woke up early this morning to a pretty awful smell. Turns out the cats must have needed a wee in the middle of the night and they'd BOTH managed to sleep in it. Cue a bath for two VERY unhappy cats. We did a little research after we bathed them (as you do...) and found out they were actually a lot better behaved than the internet would have had us believe they could have been.

Today's Bad Idea 2: I needed some groceries.....ugh. Popped into Asda with the intention of only buying neccessities (dessert for tonight, bread and milk) but when I got there you'd think the apocalypse had been announced. No bread, no fruit or veg, hardly any milk and you'd have had to slaughter someone to get anywhere near the alcohol section.... So I ended up with pitas rather than bread, mangos rather than raspberries and a tiny bottle of full fat milk rather than a 4 pint of semi skimmed. Madness. I'm NEVER doing it again.

But now I'm sitting relaxing and dinner is being mad for me. Can't really complain can I?

Have a happy and safe evening tonight guys.

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