
By thedaisychain

How Much is that Squirrel in the Window

Had an exciting time this morning. i noticed there was a little squirrel running about the garden, desperately trying to find food. even checking if there was any in the rabbit hutch (the rabbits were not in it at the time as they are safely tucked up indoors). dashed upstairs to get my camera and dashed back down to get a few poor shots as the little creature ran all over the place. then it disappeared and returned up to my room. only there was a fluffy little thing in the window and on closer inspection - the little squirrel was sat there on my top floor window sill having scaled the building. it sat there for a good ten minutes or so as the family gathered round to get as many pictures of it as we could. it just sat there looking around the garden and shivering the poor thing. and then it was gone again - off to another place to find more interesting food.

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