Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Easyjet: Useless.

Today I flew down to Bishop Stortford to spend a few days with Acronymphomania and his family. The journey was perilous.

First I got to Edinburgh Airport to be told despite the internet saying I could check in at half three, I couldn't til half four. Went to get a cup of coffee and by the time I came back the line was MASSIVE. Waited in a huge queue to check in and eventually did (still early) and sauntered upstairs to get a bottle of wine as a gift for Acronymphomania's dad. Bought one and went to check the gate on the board. Flight was delayed 2 hours. Ugh. Sat down to text to say I'd be late and as I did it the flight showed as cancelled. I went to find a happy cheery Easyjet person who said I'd have to go downstairs to the ticket desk. I told her about my duty free and she said if I explained the situation to security they'd let me through with it. Went downstairs and waited in another MASSIVE queue to be told I could go on the Luton flight. Yay. I don't really know London so had no idea how far apart they were. When I called A he said it was only about an hour from his house and there was a coach so I got a ticket and got the Luton flight. Had to wait AGAIN to check in (why they couldn't change the ticket at the sales desk was beyond me) which took another 40 mins.

Got to security and they said I couldn't take the bottle of wine though. Ugh. The woman was really stroppy and because I was so shocked I forgot to ask for the receipt back to claim off EJ. Anyhoo, finally (4 hours later and with a stinking headache) I got on the plane and ending up sitting on a row between screaming obnoxious little boys. By the time I landed in Luton I could have quite easily kicked them and suffered the consequences.

Ran outside hoping to get the earlier coach and found it was late. Another half an hour. So had to stand in the bitter cold for 40 minutes before it decided to show up. The driver decided she'd make up some time by driving like a maniac which made me so sick I really thought I was going to have to ask her to pull over.

Eventually got to Standsted and just wanted to have a good old cry and go to bed. But I went back to A's, met his parents and had a glass of wine. Did have a relatively early night but unfortunately not a very good sleep.

It can only get better right?

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