The Storm

The story continues.. It started here if you are interested.

Scrobe walked and walked. The ruined tower seemed to move with him and never get closer. He was tired. He hadn't eaten and he wanted to rest. And.. the wind was starting to get stronger. He walked with his coat pulled tightly around him but he wind seemed to whisk away any heat he gathered within its folds. He knew he was getting closer but it seemed that an age was passing.. He felt older as if this journey were taking years not hours.

When he finally reached the bottom of the tower, he was exhausted. Wind and now rain had ebbed into his very being and the storm was getting more and more powerful. He finally found the broken and battered door that gave him entrance to the tower. Being inside the tower gave him no relief. The tower was solid but it seemed the wind howled as strongly inside as out. The forbidding feel of this place pulled at his wet coat. Seemed to find the depth of his soul and chill it but he had no choice, he had to continue.

As he climbed the stairs, even the sound of the wind grew. The chill, the cold and the weight of this bereft place on his spirit, fought against him. But he moved.. ever so slowly forward. His exhaustion was almost complete when he reached a door. It was a huge wooden door. He could feel the determination emanating from it to deny him passage. With his last effort, he pushed the door with all he had. The door, once open slightly, flew open from the force of the wind. He was on top of the tower. Ferocious lightning lit the sky. The wind howled and the rain fell in torrents. He was almost spent. He braced himself and went outside. He had only taken three steps, when the storm disappeared. He had been pushing against the mind so hard, that when it stopped so abruptly, he staggered forward and sprawled on the ground.

When he looked up... He was in a different place. The storm had gone but so too had the tower. He was in... He didn't know where he was. He felt he was in a dream within a dream. He looked around and everything was peaceful. There was a lake, frozen by the winter and on the other side, there was only one building. Overhead was a bridge. He knew where he had to go...

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