Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

So what's inside the desk drawers?

I was rumaging in my desk drawers tonight.
All the drawers are pretty full. There is a bit of an order of what I put in them, apart from this one!
This drawer is just a "hoarding place" for all the bits 'n pieces that have no other place. Odd cables, spare connectors, small tools, tape measures, plectrums, guitar strings, spare SIM cards, old phones, various electronic components. Almost everything.

I rummage regularly.

Pretty normal day at work - most interesting was some financial modelling of some new software products.

Pricing software products is quite wierd. It costs a lot to write - but almost nothing to duplicate. So how fdo I charge. Does the first guy pick up all the costs, and then each additional sale is oure profit. Or do I guess how many I will sell? And then cover my costs over the first n sales...what happens if I don't sell that many?

Its all just a big gamble!

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